Been a Ham since 1971 & my 1st call was WNØGZR & ASAP I upgraded to WBØGZR with Advanced Privileges. As you can see my Rig is a Kenwood setup & running a 1500 watts on CW, SSB, SSTV & FM on 10 meters.
Tornado hit my tower in 1976 near Wellsville, Kansas
Restored this Heathkit SB-301-401 on 7/12/2009
The Kenwood gear has been replace with Yaesu gear seen in the picture below.
The Rig I using now is a Yaesu FT-2000 with the DMU-2000 & a Kenwood TL-922A AMP with an inverted Vee 80/75 meters & a Hy-Gain Quad-Band EXP-14/Explorer 14 for 40-10 meters.
Took the 40 meter add on off the beam & fixed mounted it to the tower just below the beam
Tower is 65 feet on the North side & 100 feet on the South side
This was my old set up with the 40 meter on the beam
Picture 5 feet from the top off the tower that the antenna overlooks, you are looking due South.
I've had an Advanced Ham Radio License since 1971 My # is 199 - Dec. 30th 1974
Formulas To Design Your Own Dipoles And Inverted Vees
For you that have # 10 in your call sign like myself here's how you can make the Ø. Hold down the alt key down & type the code 0216 & release the alt key so the zero will appear.
Sent this to ARRL some time after 1975 & was in the 1982 Hints and Kinks
Below is a copy of a News Paper that a reporter wrote about what Hams do, just some idle info.
Here's what happens when the Squirrels leave their nuts in your Antenna
Took the 40 meter off so I'm back to Tri-band instead of Quad-band because of the weight & hard to keep it level. Also the squirrels were walking down the guy rope to get to the trap end cap.
Planning on putting the 40 meter antenna back up but as a fixed antenna to the tower, just waiting on parts.