The average age of a soldier in many units
here is 18-and-a-half. And what a man he is! A
pink-cheeked tousled-haired, tight-muscled fellow
who under normal circumstances, would be considered
by society as half man, half boy, not yet dry behind
the ears, a path in the unemployment chart.
here and now, he is the beardless hope of free
He is for the most part unmarried and
without material possessions except for possibly an
old car at home and a transistor radio here.
listens to rock and roll--and 105mm Howitzers.
just got out of high school within the past year,
received so-so grades, played a little football, and
had a girl that broke up with him when he went
overseas or swears she is still faithful although he
is half the world away.
He has learned to like
beer by now because it is cold and the thing to do.
He smokes because he gets free cigarettes in his C
rations package and it is also the thing to do. He
is a private first class. A one-year military
veteran with one more to go. His eyes are clear but
his future is not.
He never cared to much for
work, preferred waxing his own car to washing his
father's, but he is now 10 or 20 pounds lighter than
before because he is working or fighting from dawn
to dark, often longer.
He still has trouble
spelling, and writing letters home is a painful
process. But he can break down a rifle in 30
seconds and put it back together in 29. He can
describe the nomenclature of a fragmentation
grenade, explain how a machine gun operates and of
course, use either if the need arises.
He can
also dig foxholes, apply professional first aid to
a wounded companion, march until he is told to stop
or until he his told to march.
He obeys now,
without hesitation. But he is not broken.
He has
seen more suffering then he should have in his short
life. He has stood amoung hills of bodies and he has
helped to construct those hills.
He has wept in
private and in public, and he has not been ashamed
either place, because his pals have fallen in battle
and he has come close to joining them.
And he has
become self-sufficient, he has two pairs of
fatigues, washing one and wearing the other. He
sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but not his
rifle. He keeps his socks dry and his canteen full.
He cooks his own meals, fixes his own hurts and
mends his own rips-material or mental.
He will
share his water with you if you thirst, break his
rations in half if you hunger, split his ammunition
if you are fighting for your life.
He can do the
work of two civilians, draw half the pay of one and
find ironie humor in it all. He has learned to use
his hands as a weapon and his weapon as hands. He can save a life, or most assuredly take
Eighteen-and-a-half years old.
What a man
he is!
By Tom Tiede
Chinh Tams, Vietnam (NEA)
Front & Back of the 1156 Form we had to carry
Coming back from night
Buddy reloading
Truck hit a land mine
This was a middle class home, it looked much better in color
The Ace of Spades has been employed, on numerous occasions, in the theatre of war. In the Second World War, the soldiers of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the American 101st Airborne Division were marked with the spades symbol painted on the sides of their helmets. In this capacity, it was used to represent good luck, due to its fortunate connotations in card playing. All four card suits were used for ease of identification of regiments within the airborne division following the confusion of a large scale combat airborne operation. Battalions within the regiments were denoted with tic marks or dots, marked from top clockwise; Headquarters at the twelve o'clock position, 1st Battalion at the three o'clock, et cetera.
Some twenty years later, the Ace of Spades was again used by American soldiers — this time as a psychological weapon in the Vietnam War. US troops erroneously believed that Vietnamese ancient traditions held the symbolism of the spade to mean death and ill-fortune and in a bid to scare away NLF soldiers without firefight, it was common practice to leave an Ace of Spades on the bodies of killed Vietnamese and even to litter the forested grounds and fields with the card. This custom was erroneously believed to be so effective, that the Bicycle Playing Cards company was asked to supply crates of that single card in bulk. The crates were often marked with "Bicycle Secret Weapon". [1]
The Ace of Spades, while not a symbol of superstitious fear to the VC, did help the morale of American soldiers. It was not unheard of for US soldiers and Marines to stick this card in their helmet band as a sort of anti-peace sign.
More recently, in 2003 a deck of Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards issued to U.S. soldiers during Operation Iraqi Freedom; each card had the picture of a wanted Iraqi official on it. Saddam Hussein got the nickname "Ace of Spades" as his was the face which adorned that card.
Is it HOT or just BS?
This is not your World, it’s the Jungle & now you must live here. Every step you take your body reminds you, you don’t belong here. It’s so Hot you would think you could cook an egg on a rock, but that can’t happen because the Humidity is 100%. It rains then stops, it rains then stops, etc. on & on day after day. Then when it doesn’t rain you pray for it, hopping it would cool things off. You never knew you could sweat so much. The salt from your sweat mixes with the Gun Power & dirt on your face & hands till your eyes are sore & red as a beat. You no longer can wear underwear with the rash between you legs. By now your feet are pale white from water in the Rice Paddies & your fatigues & Boots are turning white from the mildew. Now that your ears are pouring out sweat it seems like they are putting a call out for every bug in the World to mess with your face. You learn to walk slow since it’s now so hot you can hardly catch your breath. Going threw your mind is “Who the Sam Hell decided to have a War here”? What were they thinking, further more what was I thinking. Then you start thinking why did I bring this or that because of the load I’m carrying. Am I packing enough Ammo for a fire fight & how long will we be out this time. Do we have enough C Rads to last. You watch the lighting in the sky & think to yourself could it hit me or one of the other guys? Here comes the rain again, straight down but you hear it hit the leaves above you before it hits you. It’s time to take a break since you can’t hear CHARLIE with the noise from the rain. The FNG’s have told us about the WAR Protesters back in the states so you think to yourself who are these people & why are they so mad at us for going into Combat for our Country. Don’t they know that what we doing is so they can say & think what & where they want. Do they think this is fun? Then the sound of bees zhipping though the leaves breaks all your thoughts in your mind. It’s no longer Hot, wet plus your aches & pains go away. All that was in your mind is gone, all that is left is fight for your life & your Buddies. All the BS is gone in Combat but the BS will be back when it’s quite again.
And I thought I was young. The 1 in
front of me was 9 & the next kid was 11. They aren't
This is the AK-47 used by the Communist
This is the M-14, which we used until the AR-15
& M-16 were perfected
Do you remember when the first one's came out with Furniture? "wood"
The first 17 ArmaLite AR15 rifles were originally built with a trigger charging handle similar to the one
used on AR10s.
Several were updated to the early triangle charging handle.
Various types of "furniture' were tested including wood and fiberglass.
This is the AR-15 which came out before the M-16. the only difference was the M-16 would go full auto.
The Matel Toy Company were the first ones to make
this rifle, but as a toy.
Just up here patching bullet holes,
before it rains again.
Doing my good deed, right after a
mortar attack
Dead Zippers
Short is a term used not in height, but in
how long you have left till you go back home. Thats
all you think about the shorter you get. You can even smell the food you haven't eaten in 13 months, which
makes you think you are going to try & eat
everything you have missed out on, and you know someone back home you are counting on that can cook all you are thinking about.
Then the day arives, the day you have been waiting for, the day you get
to go home & you just know something will go wrong, what, you don't know.
You end up at the air field & while you are changing your MPC in for Greenbacks you can see the plane that will be taking you from this Hellhole. You keep looking for some of your friends that came over with you 13 months ago, some are here & some are not.
We all board the plane and for most of us, we see for the first time round eyes (American Women) it's like seeing a movie star.
The plane taxies ever so slowly down the runway then
it stops. Everyone is quite, you can hear your heart
beating, now the plane starts to move, faster &
faster. By now everyone is holding their breath, and
it starts to nose up. Then the sound you all have
been waiting for, the bump bump of the landing gear
leaving the ground & total chaios brakes out.
Now we know we are really going Home.
Military Common Sense Rules
A lot of life's problems can be explained by the U.S. Military and its
applications of common sense ...
Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography.
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate. The bombs always hit
the ground.
If the enemy is in range, so are you.
It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just
Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never
encountered automatic weapons.
Tracers work both ways.
Five second fuses only last three seconds.
Don't ever be the first, don't ever be the last, and don't ever
volunteer to do anything.
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.
No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.
Any ship can be a minesweeper... once.
Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.
Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you. (Your Buddies)
Mines are equal opportunity weapons.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission
Thanks to Babe
Received on
Thanks to Bammos Bunker
Received on 3/01/2002
Biker 101
If you think you are a Biker, read this first.
7th Infantry Div Web Site
Fort Leonard Wood Web Site
Special Forces
United States Army Special Forces shoulder sleeve insignia
Active June 19, 1952 – present
Country United States of America
Branch United States Army
Type Special Operations Forces
Role Primary tasks:
Unconventional Warfare
Foreign Internal Defense
Special Reconnaissance
Direct Action
Other roles:
Information operations
Humanitarian missions
Size ~5,000
Part of United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)
United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
Nickname Green Berets, Quiet Professionals[1], Soldier-Diplomats
Motto De Oppresso Liber
(US Army's translation: "To Liberate the Oppressed")
Engagements Vietnam War
Operation Urgent Fury
Operation Just Cause
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Click on Banner to view "The Nike Missile System"
I Salute the Men & Women from Desert Storm & the Gulf War
No one knows the precise origin of today’s hand salute. From earliest times and in many distant armies throughout history, the right hand (or "weapon hand") has been raised as a greeting of friendship. The idea may have been to show that you weren't ready to use a rock or other weapon. Courtesy required that the inferior make the gesture first. Certainly there is some connection between this old gesture and our present salute.
One romantic legend has it that today’s military salute descended from the medieval knight's gesture of raising his visor to reveal his identity as a courtesy on the approach of a superior. Another even more fantastic version is that it symbolizes a knight's shielding his eyes from the dazzling beauty of some high-born lady sitting in the bleachers of the tournament.
The military salute has in fact had many different forms over the centuries. At one time it was rendered with both hands! In old prints one may see left-handed salutes. In some instances the salute was rendered by lowering the saber with one hand and touching the cap visor with the other.
The following explanation of the origin of the hand salute is perhaps closest to the truth: It was a long-established military custom for juniors to remove their headgear in the presence of superiors. In the British Army as late as the American Revolution a soldier saluted bv removing his hat. But with the advent of more cumbersome headgear in the 18th and 19th centuries, the act of removing one’s hat was gradually converted into the simpler gesture of grasping the visor, and issuing a courteous salutation. From there it finally became conventionalized into something resembling our modern hand salute.
As early as 1745 (more than two-and-a-half centuries ago) a British order book states that: "The men are ordered not to pull off their hats when they pass an officer, or to speak to them, but only to clap up their hands to their hats and bow as they pass."
Whatever the actual origin of today’s hand salute, clearly in the tradition of the US Army it has always been used to indicate a sign of RESPECT – further recognition that in the profession of arms military courtesy is both a right and a responsibility of every soldier.
Compiled by the
U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps Historian
Fort Lee, Virginia
If you don't understand the word Combat after viewing this page then you never will. Don't condemn me for looking our enemy in the face and fighting for my life. Living in Combat day after day is not the same thing you see in the movies or read about. Stories in a Bar of Combat are just that "Stories". If you need to know what comes of Combat look into PTSD info.